Adult Education in Western Kenya.
Kakamega County is among the pioneer counties to implement an initiative seeking to increase the levels of enrolment for adult continuous education classes.
According to the director of adult education in the county, Isaiah Nyamweno, the program’s key focus is increasing the literacy levels in the county. He believes it will also result in high levels of socioeconomic growth and reduced ignorance within the western region.
The director emphasizes the role of education in empowering generations and reducing their susceptibility to manipulation. His sentiments were made during International Literacy Day at a Butere sub-county event.
The International Literacy Day focuses on raising awareness for literacy issues evident within communities and across the globe. Its primary aim is to remind the general public of literacy’s role as a tool for upholding dignity and human rights.
In addition, Nyamweno argues that education is critical in enabling adults to manage their resources. In equipping the program with the necessary workforce, the government has employed 26 instructors to facilitate learning in various educational centers.
Additionally, the program is highly reliant on National Government Administration officers in the mobilization of learners. Reliance on administration officers has proved to be resourceful since it has helped increase enrolment numbers in various centers within the county.
In his utterances, the director reiterates the connection between adult education and children’s education by stating that informed parents show high levels of concern for the educational well-being of their children.
Therefore, while addressing members of Kakamega County, Nyamweno acknowledged that the program continues to face many challenges, especially the unavailability of adequate human resources. He has urged the government to support the program by providing the required human resources and building additional educational centers for adult learning across the county.
Adult education is under the Directorate of Adult and Continuing Education, which is responsible for coordinating and managing programs in adult education.
Adult Education in Western Kenya.